
Paintings by Al Booth of Derby


Welcome to the gallery of all my paintings. It's displayed over 10 walls of similar types of paintings. There are 2 walls associated with old films. Films1 are dramas and films2 are comedies. The transport wall covers ships, trains, cars and a traction engine while the variety wall has paintings less easy to categorize.

During the pandemic I'm sure that a lot of charities have been suffering fund-wise so all proceeds from the sale of these paintings will go to a registered charity of your choice .

Prices quoted are for unframed paintings (unless otherwise stated) and represents the money to be sent to the charity. My latest painting is Stephenson's Rocket which is shown left. If you would like to make a comment or request a viewing of any of these paintings (in Derby) with a view to buying click on the form button so that we can arrange by email a mutually convenient time. Alternatively, if you represent a registered charity that could use a painting to generate funds please use the form button below to get in touch.
